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5 advertising trends for 2024

5 advertising trends for 2024

| Blog | author: Monika Torokne Nagy

In the dynamic world of retail, media advertising reflects constant innovation, adapting to changing consumer behavior and technological advancements. It serves as a robust channel for brands to engage with consumers through targeted, data-driven campaigns, often seen in online retail platforms. In 2024 significant advertising trends are emerging, poised to redefine how sellers connect with their audience. These trends are more than just strategic shifts; they represent essential actions in a competitive environment, requiring agility, foresight, and a readiness to embrace digital transformations. Embracing these trends is crucial for driving growth, performance, and consumer satisfaction.

TOP 5 advertising trends

1.Trend: AI's growing importance

Generative AI is changing how retail media advertising works by transforming traditional campaign management. It helps create personalized ad content on a large scale, making creative processes easier and delivering more effective campaigns. Predictive AI, on the other hand, continues to improve consumer engagement optimization. With over a decade of evolution, it fine-tunes marketing messages to reach the right consumer at the right time. AI's role in targeted advertising is crucial for successful outcomes in retail media, emphasizing the importance of intelligent, data-driven strategies.

2. Trend: AI transforming shopping behavior

The digital shopping experience is evolving with the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI). Natural Language Processing (NLP) and visual search technology are changing how we find products. Instead of scrolling through endless options, tailored recommendations now guide shoppers to the perfect item based on their needs. This shift focuses on delivering a personalized collection that aligns with individual preferences and past behaviors.

AI isn't just revolutionizing product discovery; it's also expanding the possibilities for sponsored content. Brands now have creative opportunities to engage consumers through various means, such as dialogue-driven shopping lists and interactive menus. Advertising is no longer just about visibility; it's an integral part of the shopping journey. As a result, we expect consumer interactions to become more seamless and personalized, enhancing the overall shopping experience.

3. Trend: Making smart investments in physical stores

In today's bustling retail landscape, blending digital technology with traditional brick-and-mortar stores is key to enhancing the shopping experience. To thrive in this technology-driven era, retailers are adopting automated purchasing and digital displays, revolutionizing how they promote products in-store. With vibrant digital signage and interactive kiosks, stores are transforming into hubs for targeted advertising, all while ensuring customers enjoy seamless and engaging experiences.

However, achieving cost-efficiency and maximizing consumer engagement can be a delicate balancing act for retailers. It requires careful financial planning and selecting technology that resonates with consumers, ultimately improving the in-store experience while managing expenses effectively.

4. Trend: The rise of commerce media

In the past, commerce media was often overlooked, but now it's taking center stage and transforming the advertising industry. This trend signals a shift away from traditional retail advertising methods. In 2024, we're seeing sectors like food delivery services, hotels, and last-mile delivery apps rushing to establish their own retail media networks. This shift marks a new era in retail, where businesses utilize both their online and physical assets to attract advertisers with exceptional visibility and reach.

To fully utilize the potential of commerce media, we need to redefine what media means in the retail world. It's not just about promoting products online anymore; it's about showcasing various services, from local restaurants to downtown hotels, through targeted ads. These unconventional players in the retail media scene offer new opportunities for marketers to achieve strategic victories.

By exploring new avenues beyond traditional retail, commerce media becomes a versatile tool for brands to use with precision. It's positioned to provide significant opportunities for monetization across various digital platforms, creating a mutually beneficial relationship between advertising and commerce.

5.Trend: Retailers transforming into media companies

In a significant shift, retailers are becoming media companies, blurring the lines between brands and sellers. This transformation creates a new landscape where retailers not only sell products but also offer advertising space. This integration of commerce and media forms a new business model where retailers hold brands accountable for effective ad spending, ensuring it leads to actual sales. In this changing environment, data doesn't just guide decisions; it becomes the basis for generating multiple revenue streams.

As retailers evolve into media giants, they aim to distinguish themselves with unique advertising opportunities. The focus has shifted from merely promoting products to crafting experiences that resonate with consumers. Retailers are now curating advertising options that go beyond providing shelf space; they're presenting narratives aligned with consumer lifestyles. This shift requires innovative strategies to set their offerings apart in a competitive market.

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