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10 notable e-commerce statistics, and trends to keep an eye on in 2024

10 notable e-commerce statistics, and trends to keep an eye on in 2024

| Blog | author: Monika Torokne Nagy

In the digital shopping world, e-commerce numbers are like a map guiding businesses. They show trends, what shoppers like, and new tech. In 2024, knowing these stats is vital for success online. They tell us where the market is going and help find ways to grow even more they also show who is buying what online. These numbers help businesses make smart choices and keep customers happy. Let's look closer the exciting world of e-commerce statistics!

E-commerce  is like a new version of shopping that happens on the internet. It's become really important nowadays, especially in 2024, because it's changing how we buy things. Knowing about e-commerce is super helpful if you want to succeed in selling stuff online. Let's take a look at some important facts and numbers about e-commerce that tell us how things are going now and where they might be headed in the future.

Let’s see the e-commerce statistics!

1. Projected growth to $8.1 trillion by 2026

Global markets are like a vast digital ocean, full of opportunities. According to e-commerce sales are expected to reach $8.1 trillion by 2026, a huge increase. This is due to changing shopping habits and the rise of internet usage.

2. Estimated online store counts

In the bustling digital marketplace, between 12 to 24 million online stores vie for the attention of global shoppers , according to Each digital storefront, from the towering digital malls of Amazon to niche boutiques fashioned on platforms like Etsy, showcases the vast expanse of internet retail.

3. Online shopping trends among men and women

The way men and women shop online is interesting. As Tidio's research finds women visit online stores more often than men do. But when men shop online, they usually spend more money each time. This shows that online stores can use different tactics to attract both men and women shoppers.

4. Consumer behavior and online shopping incentives

Oberlo's analysis shows that free shipping is the golden ticket for e-commerce, with a substantial 45% of people citing it as a top reason they shop online. This incentive not only drives sales but also shapes consumer behavior, emphasizing the importance of understanding what drives people to click "buy."

5. Enhancing the e-commerce experience

Artificial intelligence and bots offer new frontiers for e-commerce. They can automate customer service, personalize shopping experiences, and optimize operations. Adopting these technologies can elevate a business from mere transactions to memorable shopping experiences.

6. Age demographics steering e-commerce engagement

In e-commerce, young folks, especially those between 18 and 24, are leading the way - This is confirmed by data from They're super familiar with the internet and love shopping online, which really shapes what's popular, like fashion and tech stuff. Paying attention to this group is key because they're really into buying things online and can influence what's cool.

7. Predicted online shopper numbers

The amount of people who shop online keeps going up and up. According to Oberlo’s article t's expected to hit 2.71 billion in 2024. This big increase shows that more and more people are choosing to buy stuff online. It's a sign to businesses that the internet is where things are headed, and there's a lot of room for growth.

8. The amount of online sales done on phones

Business Insider points out that shopping on phones is a big deal, making up 44.2% of online sales just in the U.S. This shows that more people are using their phones to shop because it's easy and they can do it anywhere.

9. To grasp how shoppers check out

Many internet shops struggle with customers leaving items in their carts because of surprise charges - says the article on So, online stores need to make paying easier and show all fees from the start. Doing this can really help more people finish their purchases.

10. Asia-Pacific, North America, and Western Europe

The e-commerce landscape is dominated by three powerhouses: the Asia-Pacific region, North America, and Western Europe. These areas are the digital market's beating heart, each pumping billions of dollars into the global economy and dictating trends that ripple worldwide. However, it is important to note that, in addition to the big players, attention should also be paid to smaller markets. Smaller markets are able to compete with larger players through innovative solutions and the use of appropriate technologies.

There is huge potential for businesses in online advertising. Thanks to digitalization, online presence is now commonplace for most people. By exploiting  retail media, online stores can improve the customer experience and generate additional revenue. Wondering how? Visit the Inhabitad website!